Tuesday, August 28, 2018

History indicates...

I have to thank God for some wonderful friends.  I have one dear friend, in particular, that comes to mind as being my "hero" friend.  She has ALWAYS had my back.  So when I found myself in a place where only a true friend would step in, I called her.  You see, based on our history, I trusted she would be there for me.  So it was no surprise when I called and told her what was going on, her first response was, "I'm on my way."  Sometimes we're lucky enough to have those friends where our history with them indicates we can undoubtedly count on them.

Likewise, when I'm going through a tough situation and don't understand the "why" or "how", I don't have to doubt God's plan.  My history with Him indicates that even though I don't understand the current circumstances, I've seen enough to know Who to call.  

I love how Luke records Jesus' response when John the Baptist sent his messengers to ask Him "Are you the one we've been waiting for?"  Jesus replied, "Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor." (Luke 7:22)  In other words, let the history of what you have seen and heard speak for who I AM.

It's important that I remember what I have seen and heard Him do in my life over the years.  When I am in a dark, uncertain place, history indicates that He will be the light on my path.  When I don't know how things will work out, history indicated that He has a plan.  When I'm feeling alone, history indicates that He has never left me!

So the next time things look hopeless, check your personal history books to remind yourself of all the things you have seen and heard Him do in your life.  Remind yourself of how He gave you beauty for ashes in some of the most broken places.  Let your history be an indication that you can trust Him to do it again! 

Love Always,

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysshy/

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Don't leave home without it!

I had given my teenage son an American Express card to make a purchase, but I'd never gotten it back from him.  My intentions were for him to keep it for emergencies.  Well, as the next couple of weeks went on, I noticed when he got home from school he wasn't hungry.  I'd ask him what he wanted to eat for dinner and he'd casually say, "I'm not hungry.  Me and my friends stopped and ate."  I was sort of fine with that.  After all, it saved me the trouble of cooking.

Finally, after a couple of weeks went by, I looked at my Amex statement and saw Chick Fil-A, Zaxby's, Starbuck's, Apple Music, you name it!  This kid figured that since he had access to whatever he wanted or needed, why should he go without?  I must admit, although I was a bit annoyed, there's something to be said about his understanding of what was available to him based on his relationship with me.  In the same way, I've been reminded of what I have access to through my relationship with Jesus Chris.  (I had to quickly find Jesus in this situation!)

These are just a few things my relationship with Jesus Christ gives me access to:
The Father (John 14:6)
A Friend (Proverbs 18:24)
Wisdom (James 1:5)
Power, love & a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7) 
Love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control (Galatians 5:22)
Yes, all that!

As simple human beings, we are challenged daily.  But we must never forget that we have access to all we need through Jesus Christ.  In those moments when our faith is challenged and our peace is compromised, let's take a page from my son's book of faith - based on the access we've been given through the relationship we have, we do not have to go without!  Let us not forget the power of our faith in Jesus and be reminded of one thing - "Don't leave home without it!"

Love Always,

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysshy/

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Take the Trash Out

Am I the only one who surveys the neighbors trash as I'm driving out of the neighborhood on trash pick-up day?  I mean I'm like, "Gosh, they have a lot of trash."  "Ooh, they got a new TV."  "Wow, they drink a lot of juice in that house with all those recycle bottles."  And on and on...  Is my behavior even normal?  I guess that's why I'm also conscious about what I set out on trash pick-up day.  Some things I shove to the bottom of the bin - no need to put all my business out there!  The thoughts that go through my head...

I guess that's why some of us (and by "some of us", I mean me) would rather hide some of our trash (issues) rather than set it out.  If we don't set it out, we think no one will see it and know about our stuff.  The problem with that is trash will begin to stink after a while.  Trash in one room will eventually stink up the entire house.  Have you ever walked through your house wondering where a particular smell was coming from?  In the same way, have you ever wondered why you couldn't get one area of your life together only to find the trash in another area of your life was stinking up everything?

Psalm 51:10 says, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in me."  For some reason the word "create" (clean heart) makes me think my heart wasn't so clean before I accepted the Lord into it.  And the word "renew" (right spirit) leads me to believe that my spirit might have been a little "unrighteous" since I needed him to renew a "right" spirit in me.  I've come to learn that no amount of Febreze can cover up stinky trash.  Neither can a pretty dress, a nice suit, a big house or a big smile.  The stinky stuff will always smell through.  (Ignore those commercials you've seen!  The sweet cover-up smell will only lasts a few seconds before the stench smells through.)   

This might be a silly thing, but I am now reminded each time I take the trash out to search my heart and spirit to empty and renew anything that could possibly stink up my life.  My advice to you and myself is that we search our hearts on a regular basis and take the trash out. 

Love Always,

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysshy/

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

I Smell Smoke

I was talking on the phone with a friend when she suddenly said, "I think I need a Xanax!  I'm having trouble breathing and I'm feeling anxious!  My heart is racing!"  She was fully engaged in this anxiety attack, and as she continued to talk she walked over to her open balcony door and said, "Oh no!  There's a fire near me!  The sky is dark and ashes are swirling around on my balcony.  Oh my God!"  I said, "Close the door!  That's why you couldn't breathe."  As she closed the door, in pure sarcasm, I said, "I can see how you could get Xanax and oxygen confused.  They're so similar.  Happens all the time."  We both bursted into laughter!  Feeling much better now that the door was shut, she continued our conversation in a calm fashion.  Now our running joke in certain situations is "Do you need a Xanax or oxygen?"  LOL!  

This story sounds pretty funny, but it made me think of how many times we "open the door" allowing the wrong things to come into our lives and before we know it, unable to make a sound decision, we're reaching for the wrong thing to soothe us.  We become desperate to fill a lonely hole in our hearts, so we reach for the wrong person.  We become desperate to be successful, so we choose the wrong career path.  We become desperate to portray a certain image, so we make unwise financial decisions.  We smell the smoke, but are too disoriented to know Who or what to reach for. 

When I was younger, my mother would always tell me to read Psalms 91 when I was afraid for any reason.  It always seemed to comfort me.  Every verse spoke to my fears, my worries and my uncertainties, but one verse sticks out to me the most - verse 14a, "Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him."  And boy oh boy have I been rescued from some smokey places!  Whew!

I have come to know that sometimes we simply need to "close the door".  While other times, we just need to know Who to reach for to calm out anxious hearts.  Take it from me, it makes all the difference in the world to reach for the right One!  Let Him rescue you today.

Love Always,

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysshy/

Please visit my new website for updated posts. https://lovealwaysshy.com/ Thank you! Shy