Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Sinking Fear

Have you ever stepped out on faith doing what you know God called you to do and right in the middle of it you had a sinking fear?  I mean, you had absolutely no doubt that you were walking along the path that you were called to walk along.  Then, the sinking fear happened.  You started to doubt if it was God who actually called you and if you could actually be successful at it.  All the thoughts telling you it's impossible rose up, fear took over, and you began to sink.

If this has ever happened to you, then you know it can be overwhelming.  Well, you'll be happy to know you're not alone.  Peter did the exact same thing!  He was in the boat with the other disciples when Jesus called him to get out of the boat and come to him.  He was definitely called!  So, he got out of the boat and took the first step.  He apparently had enough faith to answer the call and step out of the boat.  That is, until he realized he was operating a in realm far beyond his own power.  And right in the middle of his calling, he started having a sinking fear.  (Matthew 14: 25-31)  Yikes!  What I love the most is that even in the middle of his fear, his faith was strong enough to say, "Lord, save me!"  Thank God for that mustard seed faith.  It wasn't strong enough to keep him on top of the water, but it was strong enough to know Who to call when he was sinking. 

I was reminded of this story one day when I was walking along a path that I'm sure I was called to walk.  And it was like I got a tap on the shoulder out of nowhere saying, "Hey, you know you can't do this."  WhaTTT?!  The voice was right.  I couldn't do it...in my own power, that is.  That's when my faith kicked in and I said, "Lord, save me!"  Proverbs 3:5 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."  TRUST in the Lord keeps me from sinking daily.  TRUST!  It's a huge thing, and it's the only way I'm able to stay afloat.

Trust me!  Well, maybe not me, but trust God.  When He calls you to do something, He will deal with all the obstacles along your journey.  You don't have to understand the how.  You don't have to know all the details.  Your job is just to flow in His will.  He makes the way.  You just have to listen, be obedient, and flow.  And when that voice of fear speaks and you feel yourself sinking, just do like Peter did and say "Lord, save me".  He will hear you and answer every time.

Love Always,

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