Back up!
I finally recreated my vision board in 2017, but had never written my vision. This was a first. It was such an interesting process. I was open and honest with myself in a way that surfaced things I'd either never acknowledged or just simply didn't see. Frankly, this experience was simply eye opening, crystallizing what I really see for my life.
Now fast forward!
Since the vision has now been written (...and made plain. Habakkuk 2:2), my actions and my words have become more intentional than ever before.
I no longer take the side roads that don't line up with my vision.
I intentionally surround myself with environments and people that promote the vision.
I spend more time with God in my quiet time in order to hear the right voice directing me. (This is the way, walk in it. Isaiah 30:21)
Hearing God more clearly has brought me to my "Just do it!" season in life. Mary (mother of Jesus) gave the best advice in John 2:5 when Jesus was about to turn water into wine at the wedding. She told the servants "Whatever he tells you, do it". Mary's words are still true! Just do it! It may not make sense. It may look impossible. You might even look crazy, but whatever He tells you, just do it! Risk looking crazy!
Noah looked crazy building an ark, but he did it. (Genesis 6)
David looked crazy fighting a giant, but he did it. (1 Samuel 17)
Simon (a fisherman) looked crazy taking a carpenter's advice on fishing, but he did it. (Luke 5)
...AND I was looking crazy trying to live on purpose without a vision, but I did it! I wrote the vision! (Habakkuk 2:2-3)
So get quiet, get clear and listen for His voice. And no matter how crazy it may look, take Mary's advice - "Whatever he tells you, do it!"
Love Always,