Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Love in Every Thought

If you've ever experienced a painful breakup, then you can relate to how your mind fills with constant thoughts of your former significant other.  From the time you open your eyes in the morning till you close them again at night.  It takes up a lot of mental (and emotional) space!  The movie "Something's Gotta Give" has a scene that is a perfect depiction of heartbreak.  It shows the character played by Diane Keaton dealing with her grief after the breakup with Jack Nicholson's character.  Although humorous, this scene is heartbreak played out to perfection on the big screen.  

So there I was, pretty much just like that, after a painful breakup.  Eventually, the constant thinking of my beloved just became too much.  So I prayed to God to please take the thoughts away from me.  I didn't want to think about this person so much!  Then I heard the Lord say to me, "If you didn't feel like that, you would not have experienced the beautiful gift of love."  Then He went on to say, "Have you any idea how many times a day I think about you?"


It hit me like a lead balloon.  Someone loves me so much that they're thinking about me all day?  Yes, it's true.

Every day God thinks about you and me.  Psalm 68:19
Every second we are in His thoughts.  Psalm 139:17-18
His love for us lasts forever!  Jeremiah 31:3 
He keeps our names written where He can see them.  Isaiah 49:16

That's love.

He's so in love with us that He thinks of us every second, constantly surrounds us with His goodness and always concerns Himself with our every detail.  When we truly take notice of all His goodness and mercy around us, we can't help but realize that it's God saying, "I see you and I love you."

Whatever you may be facing today, know that our Heavenly Father loves you dearly and thinks of you constantly!  That's what love does.

Love Always,

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysshy

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