Wednesday, August 28, 2019


When I was a growing kid, I used to think my clothes were shrinking. I'd put on a dress that suddenly seemed too short or too tight.  As I pointed it out to my mother, I'd ask if my clothes were shrinking.  She'd laugh and jokingly tell me, yes they were.  It never crossed my mind that my clothes were the same size and that I was actually growing. I only knew it was time to get rid of some things because they no longer fit me.  It was time for something that fit the new me.

As an adult, I am reminded of that childhood situation as I reflect on various areas of my life.  Perhaps you can relate.  Have you ever found yourself unable to reconcile why some relationships, jobs or activities that used to fit have now become too uncomfortable to be in?  Or perhaps you found yourself trying to stretch something to make it fit your life when in reality you'd simply outgrown it?

I was reminded of a quote by Nelson Mandela when I had an “AHA” moment - "There's nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered."  It dawned on me that perhaps I had grown out of some things that used to fit not because they had changed, but because I had changed.

In 1 Corinthians 13:11, Paul says "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.  When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me."  It’s clear that Paul understood the concept of growing beyond what used to fit.

As God grows us in various areas of our lives and moves us into new stages and phases of our purpose, we become uncomfortable in the old "garments".  Many times the discomfort is a way to get us to move to the next level of what God has for us.  Acknowledge the discomfort as a catalyst to let go of the past and embrace the new.  Trust God's plan as He tailors new garments fit for the places He is taking you.

God will perfect that which concerns me. Psalms 138:8

Love Always,

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Road Has Been Paid For

I just love my GPS system in my car.  I simply cannot imagine using an actual paper map like we used back in the day.  There is something so comforting in knowing that all I have to do is put in a destination and the GPS system will get me there with no thinking of my own.  I just listen and follow instructions.  “Turn here” is simply enough.

The other day as I was driving along on the freeway, the GPS system said “prepare to stop at the toll ahead,” but there was no toll ahead.  I do recall there used to be one a few years ago, but it has since been taken out.  Knowing this, I was just going to ignore it, but then I noticed the confused look on my son’s face and said, “This road has been paid for.  There’s no toll.”  I went on to explain to him that the toll was initially put in place to recoup the cost of building the road and since it has now been paid for, they have removed the toll booth so there is no cost for us to drive on this road.

As I drove further down the road, I couldn’t help but think of many other “roads” that have been paved for me that have been paid for.  So when the enemy taunts me and tells me I’m going to have to pay for the road I’ve taken, I remind him that through the grace of God it’s already been paid for.  

The road to peace, if we make the correct turns. (John 14:27)

The road to joy, if we avoid the ditches. (Romans 15:13)

The road to purpose, if we don’t get distracted.  (Proverbs 19:21)

The road to God’s plan, if we listen for instructions.  (Jeremiah 29:11)

Let’s face it, life happens to the best of us.  A sudden twist in the road that we didn’t see coming, or perhaps we saw it coming, but thought we’d be able to navigate it on our own.  In John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the way, and the truth and the life.”  If we listen to His voice and trust His plan, we don’t need to know every turn in advance.  He knows what’s ahead and where we should turn.  He created us with a destination in mind, has a plan to get us there and has already paid in full the price of the road we will travel.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and listen to your spiritual GPS (God’s Plan System).  He is THE WAY!

Love Always,

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


As we stood graveside at my grandfather’s funeral, the rain went from a light drizzle to a heavy drizzle.  While saying our final goodbyes to “Big Papa”, which is what we affectionately called him, I realized that neither I nor my mother had an umbrella. When noticing me putting my hands over my head (as if that would help) my mother pulled a scarf from her purse and said, “Here baby.  Use this.”  I was so grateful as I tied the scarf over my hair.  What a sacrifice to give me her only scarf as she also stood in the rain.

Fast forward 30 years...  I still have that very same scarf.  It’s a bit faded and even has a tear in it, yet I still use it to cover my hair quite often.  It has become a constant reminder of kindness, generosity and love.   I am also reminded that much like my mom’s scarf still covers me, so does God’s love.  It has no ending and is unfailing.

In life, we can’t always predict the weather.  Yet I’m comforted by the reminder that He sees me in the midst of my storms.  Sure, I love the sunny days of life, but when I’m standing out in the rain, uncovered, and getting drenched by life’s circumstances He lovingly says, “Here baby.  Use this.” as He gently covers me in His love.  

Psalm 46:1-2a “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.  So we will not fear.”

No matter what storm you may be facing today, know that He hears you, He sees you and He knows exactly what you need.  He’s always there ready to cover you with his unfailing love.  Listen to His voice as He whispers, “Here baby.  Use this.”  Have no fear. He has you covered!

Love Always,

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