Wednesday, August 7, 2019


As we stood graveside at my grandfather’s funeral, the rain went from a light drizzle to a heavy drizzle.  While saying our final goodbyes to “Big Papa”, which is what we affectionately called him, I realized that neither I nor my mother had an umbrella. When noticing me putting my hands over my head (as if that would help) my mother pulled a scarf from her purse and said, “Here baby.  Use this.”  I was so grateful as I tied the scarf over my hair.  What a sacrifice to give me her only scarf as she also stood in the rain.

Fast forward 30 years...  I still have that very same scarf.  It’s a bit faded and even has a tear in it, yet I still use it to cover my hair quite often.  It has become a constant reminder of kindness, generosity and love.   I am also reminded that much like my mom’s scarf still covers me, so does God’s love.  It has no ending and is unfailing.

In life, we can’t always predict the weather.  Yet I’m comforted by the reminder that He sees me in the midst of my storms.  Sure, I love the sunny days of life, but when I’m standing out in the rain, uncovered, and getting drenched by life’s circumstances He lovingly says, “Here baby.  Use this.” as He gently covers me in His love.  

Psalm 46:1-2a “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.  So we will not fear.”

No matter what storm you may be facing today, know that He hears you, He sees you and He knows exactly what you need.  He’s always there ready to cover you with his unfailing love.  Listen to His voice as He whispers, “Here baby.  Use this.”  Have no fear. He has you covered!

Love Always,

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