Friday, January 26, 2018

Just do it!

When the New Year rolled around, I did my usual assessment of my previous year's goals, then wrote my 2018 goals, but this year was different.  This year I had a written vision to line my goals up with.  

Back up!  

I finally recreated my vision board in 2017, but had never written my vision.  This was a first.  It was such an interesting process.  I was open and honest with myself in a way that surfaced things I'd either never acknowledged or just simply didn't see.  Frankly, this experience was simply eye opening, crystallizing what I really see for my life.  

Now fast forward!

Since the vision has now been written (...and made plain. Habakkuk 2:2), my actions and my words have become more intentional than ever before.  

I no longer take the side roads that don't line up with my vision.

I intentionally surround myself with environments and people that promote the vision.  

I spend more time with God in my quiet time in order to hear the right voice directing me.  (This is the way, walk in it. Isaiah 30:21)

Hearing God more clearly has brought me to my "Just do it!" season in life.  Mary (mother of Jesus) gave the best advice in John 2:5 when Jesus was about to turn water into wine at the wedding.  She told the servants "Whatever he tells you, do it".  Mary's words are still true!  Just do it!  It may not make sense.  It may look impossible.  You might even look crazy, but whatever He tells you, just do it!  Risk looking crazy!

Noah looked crazy building an ark, but he did it. (Genesis 6)  
David looked crazy fighting a giant, but he did it. (1 Samuel 17)
Simon (a fisherman) looked crazy taking a carpenter's advice on fishing, but he did it. (Luke 5)
...AND I was looking crazy trying to live on purpose without a vision, but I did it!  I wrote the vision!  (Habakkuk 2:2-3)

So get quiet, get clear and listen for His voice.  And no matter how crazy it may look, take Mary's advice - "Whatever he tells you, do it!"

Love Always,

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Love Unfiltered

It was 10 degrees outside when I woke up and 56 degrees in my house.  I checked both the thermostats and adjusted the temperature, but the temperature in the house couldn't seem to get above 60.  I tried reprogramming the units.  I tried changing the batteries.  I even tried talking to the thermostats.  (Don't judge me!  I was desperate and cold!)

I put a small space heater in the bathroom so I could get dressed without chill bumps, then headed out to work.  Even though I was warm in my car and warm at work, all I could think about was how cold it would be when I got home.  So with only one thing on my mind, I left work early to head back home to troubleshoot the heating system again.

After getting home and putting on a fur coat (yes, inside the house!), I got my a/c guy on the phone and explained that I could feel a faint bit of heat coming out of the vents, but the house was not warming up.  He asked a simple question, "When was the last time you changed the filters?"  I paused knowing it had been on my "to do" list for a while, but never got "to done".  So I quickly ran out to Lowe's, purchased two new filters, came home and replaced them.  Within a few minutes, the temperature of the house was climbing one degree at a time.  Hallelujah!!!  It turns out the old filters clogged with pillows of dust were blocking the flow all along.

Fast forward a week later, I had an issue with someone whom I love dearly.  While thinking and praying about it, the issue with the filters came to mind.  I was thinking, "Really, Lord?  Can we just let a thing be a thing sometimes and not a metaphor?"  But, it was what it was...  The very issue that was driving me nuts with my loved one was an issue I would have easily loved a stranger through.  Why was it so much more disheartening with my loved one?  Why was it harder to love them through it?  Was it because my love filter had gotten clogged up with all the other muck over the past months from other issues with my loved one, whereas I would have loved a stranger from a brand new untouched love filter?  The more I sat in silence, the more I understood where this metaphor was going.  

Just as the Lord has loved me with unfailing love (Jeremiah 31:3), I was to let my love flow freely and unfailing to others.  No clogs.  No past muck.  Just unfailing love (1 Corinthians 13:8).  So I changed my love filter, lovingly addressed the issue, and changed the temperature of the entire relationship.  It not only freed them to receive the love, but it freed me to let love flow again.  So the next time you're having trouble loving someone, ask the simple question, "When was the last time you changed the filters?"

Love Always,

Please visit my new website for updated posts. Thank you! Shy