Wednesday, December 27, 2017


I was believing God for this one thing. Well, actually it was two things.  If you're like me, sometimes looking ahead at what seems to be an impossible situation is much harder than looking back at what He's already done.  I've had sooooo many prayers answered and so many miracles performed over my lifetime that I could write a new pencil down to a nub listing them and still have more to write.  

So the other day when I was reading in my bible the story of the two Marys coming to the tomb looking for the body of Jesus, I was shocked that they were shocked that He wasn't there.  When the angels reminded them of what Jesus said about rising in 3 days, Luke 24:8 says "Then they remembered his words."  I was like "Really, Marys?!  How did you forget?  After seeing all his other miracles, why weren't you and the disciples camped out at the tomb having a potluck expecting this miracle."  I just didn't get it.

Then I flashed back to my situation and all the past miracles that have already taken place in my life. Why wouldn't I be believing and expecting another miracle? Why am I not waiting outside the tomb of my situation with expectancy?  Why am I not scrolling through my miracle chronicles?

So I pulled out my iPad and began to write a list of my personal miracles.  I started with the day I was born when the doctor gave my family grim news that it's likely neither me nor my mother would make it.  BUT GOD!  The list grew from there.  I "remembered" what He had done, and based on the precedent that had been set in my life, my faith was strengthened in what He could and would do again. So I set up camp and invited those who believe in miracles to wait expectantly outside of this situation with me.

Today, what do you need to remember to encourage you to camp out with expectancy of your miracle?  It's. Time. To. Remember!

Love Always,

Saturday, December 23, 2017

The Ultimate Pop Up Shop

There's this new trend called "pop up shops". You may have heard of it.  These are shops that weren't there the day before and suddenly they just, well, pop up.  They might just be there for the day or for the week, but it's a temporary location to showcase their goods, sell food, or offer some sort of service.  The interesting part of coming across a pop up shop, is that it could potentially change your #currentsituation.  Maybe you're headed to lunch when you come across a pop up restaurant that smells and looks delicious, so you decide to give it a try and cancel your reservation.  Or you might come across a pop up shop with really nice gift ideas and BOOM! your Christmas list just got chopped in half. Pop up shops will change your day in a snap.

So there I was in the middle of a situation that would require a very uncomfortable conversation.  It was one of those conversations that I wished didn't need to happen, but the situation had to be addressed, so there was no way around it.  I'm one of those "turn the other cheek" folks...okay, I'm an avoider!  (Let's just call it what it is!)  Well, this conversation could not be avoided, so I'd practiced what I was going to say as well as responses to several possible outcomes.  I prayed it would not go left and there would be a peaceful resolve.  None the less, my palms were sweaty as I walked down the hall.  The moment had finally come and I was ready for this.  I took a deep breath as I walked into the room and BOOM! Jesus had a pop up shop in there!  WhaTTT?!  Talk about God being my "refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble" (Psalms 46:1).  I had this all planned out, but He had another plan and popped up on my behalf.  He changed the entire atmosphere of the room, gave me new words to say, responses that I hadn't expected nor rehearsed, support in ways that actually took me off guard, comfort that eased my fears, and an outcome that was far better than I'd been prepared for.

Who knew Jesus was in the pop-up business?  And who knew He would have exactly what I needed right when I needed it?  This situation worked out so differently than I'd planned that I knew for sure I'd found refuge and was safe.  

So next time you're in a situation and you've mapped out the outcome, don't get too attached to the plan. You never know when there might just be a "pop up" that will change everything in your favor!

Love Always,

Monday, December 18, 2017

Who are you entertaining this holiday season?

I can remember several years ago watching a TV program where Tyra Banks went undercover as a homeless person.  She sat on the streets, begged for money, washed up in gas station bathrooms, and lived as a homeless person would. Of all the things she shared in her experience, one thing she said really stuck with me through all these years.  She said people passing by would not make eye contact with her.  It was like if they didn't look, she didn't exist. Wow!  That really hurt to hear.  Can you imagine a world where people avoided eye contact with you?  A world where you questioned if you were seen?  A world where you doubted if you mattered at all?

Ever since I was a child, I can remember my mom telling us, "Be aware how you entertain strangers, because you may be entertaining an angel unaware" (Hebrews 13:2). That has always stuck in my mind.  I admit, sometimes we may not know what to say or what to do, but a simple, kind gesture of eye contact and a smile can be a priceless gift of which we may never know the value.

In Matthew 25:35-36 Jesus says,
"I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, 
I was a stranger and you invited me in,
I needed clothes and you clothed me, 
I was sick and you looked after me, 
I was in prison and you came to visit me."  
He goes on to say in verse 40, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

During this holiday season (and every season), let us remember to extend ourselves in love, as we never know, we may be entertaining an angel unaware.

Love Always,

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Equipped to Win!

I have a confession to make.  I absolutely love watching gladiator type movies where they flight with their sword and shield.  Which brings me to my next confession, "300" is one of my absolute favorite movies.  Whenever I'm going through a tough time in life, I watch 300 and it brings out the fighter in me.  Like gladiators, I like to charge towards my situation with a fierceness that says, "I will come back with the head of my enemy!"  Of course, not in a literal sense (Don't call me crazy just yet!), but in a sense that says. "I will have victory over this!"  Whether it's an issue coming against my family or any situation robbing me of my peace, I go into full "gladiator" mode.  I envision myself charging towards it in slow motion on my black horse, my shield in front of me, while slowing drawing my sword with my eyes laser focused on taking this thing down!  (Okay, you can call me crazy now.)

So the other day as I was watching the Wonder Woman movie, my inner gladiator surfaced again. There was a scene where she was being trained to fight and was knocked to the ground.  Her trainer said, "Never let your guard down!  A battle will never be fare!"  I had to hit pause, rewind and watch that scene again.  It just made my spirit say, "Yes!"

So I started to think of what my sword and shield represent to me.

My sword is the "sword of the spirit" which is the word of God (Ephesians 6:17).  The word of God strengthens my faith, so I'm able to fight with confidence! 

My shield is my "shield of faith" which protects me from the arrows of my attacker (Ephesians 6:16).  My shield blocks the fiery darts of doubt, fear and all the lies the enemy tries to get me to believe.  It represents my trust in God to protect me and bring me out of the battle safely.

No matter what the circumstances, whenever I enter into battle, I know as long as I have my sword and shield, I can come out victorious!  Let me also encourage you, my friend.  No matter what you may be going through, trust in the power of your sword and shield.  Even though "a battle will never be fare", you are equipped to win!

Love Always,

Friday, December 1, 2017

What to Expect When You're Expecting

When I was pregnant with my son, I got a popular book called "What to Expect When You're Expecting." Although he was my second child, it had been 8 years since I had my daughter and let's just say "things" were happening to my body that I didn't quite remember happening before.  This book helped me to determine what was normal and what to expect at various stages of the pregnancy.  It seemed the closer I got to the delivery date, the more uncomfortable things became.  There were many days during the pregnancy when I had to refer to my book to confirm if I should be "expecting" these bizarre things.  

Finally, during the last week of pregnancy, a few things happened that indicated I was getting close to delivery time.  I might have otherwise been concerned about these things, but the book helped me understand what to expect, so I knew these were signs that I was getting close...

Fast forward 16 years...  I'm expecting again.  Only this time, I'm expecting the fulfillment of God's promises in my life.  It's not an easy road, but I'm not surprised, because I know what to expect.  Allow me to share a few tips on what to expect if you're expecting too.

There will always be something or someone on the opposing side challenging your faith, but don't be discouraged.  Keep moving in the direction of God's purpose, promise and plan for your life.  Push!


Discomfort causes us to reposition.  When something is uncomfortable enough, we change our plan. We change our outlook.  We change our position.  Push!

Pain usually shows up to push us into something great.  Let's push through that painful place to experience the greatness of what's on the other side.  Push!

Once we push past the opposition, the discomfort, and the pain, we experience growth.  Within that growth, we will find the keys to unlock our purpose and move to the next level of who we were called to be, thus delivering the promise.

Know that these things are normal when you're expecting something great.  Also, know that our present pain and suffering can't compare to the joy that is coming (Romans 8:18).  So, don't be alarmed.  Just know you are getting closer to your delivery.  It's time to push!

Love Always!

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