Saturday, December 23, 2017

The Ultimate Pop Up Shop

There's this new trend called "pop up shops". You may have heard of it.  These are shops that weren't there the day before and suddenly they just, well, pop up.  They might just be there for the day or for the week, but it's a temporary location to showcase their goods, sell food, or offer some sort of service.  The interesting part of coming across a pop up shop, is that it could potentially change your #currentsituation.  Maybe you're headed to lunch when you come across a pop up restaurant that smells and looks delicious, so you decide to give it a try and cancel your reservation.  Or you might come across a pop up shop with really nice gift ideas and BOOM! your Christmas list just got chopped in half. Pop up shops will change your day in a snap.

So there I was in the middle of a situation that would require a very uncomfortable conversation.  It was one of those conversations that I wished didn't need to happen, but the situation had to be addressed, so there was no way around it.  I'm one of those "turn the other cheek" folks...okay, I'm an avoider!  (Let's just call it what it is!)  Well, this conversation could not be avoided, so I'd practiced what I was going to say as well as responses to several possible outcomes.  I prayed it would not go left and there would be a peaceful resolve.  None the less, my palms were sweaty as I walked down the hall.  The moment had finally come and I was ready for this.  I took a deep breath as I walked into the room and BOOM! Jesus had a pop up shop in there!  WhaTTT?!  Talk about God being my "refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble" (Psalms 46:1).  I had this all planned out, but He had another plan and popped up on my behalf.  He changed the entire atmosphere of the room, gave me new words to say, responses that I hadn't expected nor rehearsed, support in ways that actually took me off guard, comfort that eased my fears, and an outcome that was far better than I'd been prepared for.

Who knew Jesus was in the pop-up business?  And who knew He would have exactly what I needed right when I needed it?  This situation worked out so differently than I'd planned that I knew for sure I'd found refuge and was safe.  

So next time you're in a situation and you've mapped out the outcome, don't get too attached to the plan. You never know when there might just be a "pop up" that will change everything in your favor!

Love Always,

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