Friday, March 2, 2018


There is a song by Jekalyn Carr called "You Will Win" that I absolutely love!  If you know this song, you are saying "yassss" right now.  So, there I was driving to work when that song came on the radio.  I immediately turned up the volume and went "all in".  If you can imagine the lady in the car next to you with a serious face, bobbing her head, making hand gestures and looking like she is explaining something really important to someone in a very dramatic way, then you can imagine me.  So when Jekalyn got to the verse that said "everything attached to me wins", I put my hand on my chest and sang it as if my declaration was the final say in winning!  (Sidebar: Person in car next to me slows down to let me pass, because they're not quite sure what is about to happen with the crazy lady.)

If you're like me and have been through enough trials in your life, including a few level 10's, you learn to not care what people think about how you run your race.  You also learn that you have to fight, chase down and declare your own victory.  So there I was, not only determined to win, but also determined that "everything attached to me" would win - my children, my vision, my purpose, etc.  I was declaring my way to a lot of #winning.

Ironically, the same day, I read Psalms 18:29 where David says to God, "With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall."  WhaTTT?!  David sounds crazy like me!  Advance against a troop?  Scale a wall?  David, let's do this!  Clearly, David understood three things: 1) the power God, 2) the power of being attached to God, and, 3) how everything attached to God wins!

My word to you today is simple - no matter how hard things may look, how tempting it may be to let go of what you know is right, or how challenged your faith might be in this very moment, Stay. Attached. To God. and you will win!

Love Always,

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