Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Faith Disorder

Have you ever had an argument with someone and just when you thought it was over, they came back into the room and said, "And another thing..."?  Even worse, have you ever done that to yourself, where you've finally processed a situation (or so you thought) and you feel at peace about it, then your emotions come back into your head and say, "And another thing..."?  So you fasten your seatbelt and get back onto the emotional roller coaster.  One minute you're trusting God to deliver you from a situation and the next minute you're mad at Him for even allowing you to be in it.  A "faith disorder" can sometimes be one of the worse disorders you'll ever experience.

I thought I was all alone in this "disorder" until I read the Psalms.  (As a side note, if you ever want to feel good about your emotional ups and downs, read the Psalms.  You quickly realize that you're not as bad off as you thought.  You're just...well...human.)  In one chapter, you read the writer expressing such gratitude about how God has rescued him, protected him, provided for him, etc.  In the next chapter, he's expressing how God has forgotten about him and allowed horrible things to happen to him.  It's the biggest "faith disorder" I've ever seen.  BUT, somehow I can relate.  The ups and downs of life can sometimes cause not only ups and downs in our emotions, but sadly, also in our faith.

In Galatians 6:9, Paul writes "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."  Let me encourage you to carry on even when your faith is challenged.  What may look like a "faith disorder" at times, is actually just a time of learning to let go one finger at a time.  Trust God and turn your disorder into order, for in the proper season, you will reap a harvest if you remain in faith and DON'T. GIVE. UP.  

Love Always,

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