Thursday, February 21, 2019


Have you ever known someone who you thought was "privileged"?  You watched how opportunities seemed to open up for them because of who they knew or who they were connected to.  They were always a phone call away from getting what they wanted or needed.  They seemed to have the right friends on their side.  What a privilege. 

I can remember as a child hearing my mother sing a song called "What a Friend We Have in Jesus".  Back then, it was just a song to me.  Yet, as I've matured, the words have come alive and have become a truth that I cling to daily.  The words of the song go like this.  

What a friend we have in Jesus
all our sins and griefs to bear
What a privileged to carry 
everything to God in prayer

Oh what peace we often forfeit
oh, what needless pain we bear
all because we do not carry 
everything to God to in prayer

When those words came alive for me, I thought "Why would I bare needless pains instead of going to God in prayer?"  Needless pain...  "Why would I forfeit peace?"  The only way I could see this happening is if I didn't understand the privilege of having Jesus as a friend.  It's true - who you know has it's privileges!

Now understanding that I have a friend Who I can go to in prayer, I take full advantage of being privileged.

When I am sick, I can go to Him for healing.  Privileged.

When I'm in need, I can ask Him for provision.  Privileged.

When I am trying to move past my mistakes, I can ask Him to order my steps.  Privileged.

No matter what we're going through, we have a friend who is always there to listen, help, heal, restore, comfort, soothe, and love.  Who wouldn't take advantage of calling on a friend like that in time of need?  Oh, what a privilege it is to be called His friend!  (John 15:13-15)

No matter what you may be going through today, exercise your privilege and carry everything to God in prayer.  

Love Always,

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