Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Ain't No Valley Low Enough!

If you know me, you know I'm a Diana Ross fanatic!  I have loved her ever since I was a child.  I know all her songs and movies and have been blessed (yes blessed!) to attend a few of her concerts.  Yes!  Truly blessed!  LOL!

Well, last night I attended "A Night of Inspiration" at my church, which was a night for our women's ministry to worship together, receive an inspiring message and just fellowship together.  What a wonderful evening it was.  

Although I loved fellow-shipping with my sisters in Christ, enjoyed the beautiful arrangement of sweet treats and very much looked forward to the message to come, I must admit they had me at the opening song - Diana Ross's "Ain't No Mountain High Enough".  I'd never viewed that song in the context of worship, but when they sang the words "Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough to keep me from you", I was like "Yesssss, Jesus!"  Those words rang true in my heart.

I have had some LOW valleys, but I can truly say that none of my valleys have ever been low enough to keep Him from getting to me.  I recalled several years ago when I was in a serious, dark and what felt like a hopeless valley.  It seemed as though every area of my life was being challenged all at the same time.  I felt surrounded by darkness.  It's one thing to have one area of your life being challenged and still have other areas that are bright, hopeful outlets.  But what do you do when darkness is all around?  Well, that's where I was - in a low, dark valley.

That's when I learned that there was no valley low enough to keep the Heavenly Father from getting to me. During this time, I had nowhere to turn, but  to God.  So I prayed.  I read the word.  I got quiet and listened for a whisper that would give me hope.  In Psalms 23:4a, David said, "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, because you are with me."  One thing I've learned in life is that it's not always about what your're going through, but who's with you.

So let me remind you:

No matter how dark your valley is, when God is with you, He is the light.  (John 1:4-5)

No matter how low your valley is, He never leaves you.  (Hebrews 13:5b)

No matter how bad your circumstances may seem, take heart!  He has overcome the WORLD.  (John 16:33)  THE WORLD!  

The good news about a valley is that the only way out is UP!  Be encouraged by the fact that God can and will carry you up and out of the low places in life.  He knows where you are and has promised to never leave you.  No matter how low your valley is today, always remember ain't no valley low enough to keep Him from you!

Love Always,

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