Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Things Hoped For

There we were, at my son's graduation dinner as I began my speech.  A speech that was 17 years in the making. There was so much to say, so much to be thankful for and so many blessings to speak over my son as he prepared to enter into a new phase in life.  As I looked at him, my eyes welled up with tears.  Not because I would be sad to see him leave the nest, but because I was looking at the fulfillment of things hoped for.

You see, our journey was one far from predictable in so many ways.  One that required buckets and buckets of mustard seed faith. Seeds for each and every provision made beyond what I could see. Seeds for all the doctor's and emergency room visits from having a little boy with chronic asthma. Seeds for a safe return every time he went out into the world without me as he grew older. And even seeds for the right friends, role models and mentors to walk alongside him on his journey.  His entire life was full of faith seeds planted along the way. 

When I looked at my son on this day, I saw the substance of things hoped for and was reminded of how powerful faith is.  The fulfillment of promises far beyond what I could have ever imagined was evidence of the seeds planted.  This moment encouraged me in other areas of my life to continue to plant seeds of faith.  If God did "this", I can trust He'll do "that".

Let me encourage you in every situation to stay in faith and trust that God is watering your seeds and preparing a harvest of things hoped for.  We walk by faith!

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  Hebrews 11:1

Love Always,

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Drop Your Net

It's not always easy to stop along our current path and choose a different, and perhaps more purposeful path.  Sometimes doing what we've always done is the most comfortable way to go, so we continue the familiar routine.  No matter how unfulfilling or unrewarding things may be, it's easy to remain stuck in what we know.  

So when I read Matthew 4:18-22, I was amazed at how easy it was for the disciples to follow Jesus.  (18) While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. (19) And he said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." [a] (20) Immediately they left their nets and followed him. (21) And going on from there he saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John, his brother, in the boat with Zebedee, their father, mending their nets, and he called them. (22) Immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.

What?!  They just dropped their nets and followed Him, just like that?  Yes, they did!  They stopped what they were doing and simply said, "yes" to Jesus and "yes" to the call for something more.  They didn't let what they've always done, or even their family situations get in the way of God's plan for their lives.  Unbelievable!  Do you know how many questions I would have had, along with a few requested follow-up meetings?  Why?  Because when it comes to us dropping our nets and getting out of our boats, we need absolute certainty and a full presentation of the plan.  BUT, my friend, let us remember WE WALK BY FAITH!

In a culture of "following," it's easy to get tangled up in the wrong net, but I can tell you from experience that there is only one path that brings peace and purpose.  So if you're feeling stuck or perhaps lacking peace, it may be time to drop your net and follow Him. It's the one "follow" you will be glad you chose.  

Love Always,

Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Lifting of Hands

Sometimes we go through things in life that leave us so traumatized or so heartbroken that it feels like a battle trying to get to the other side of the pain.  Not only does it feel like a battle, but some days feel like a "losing battle" and it becomes more and more difficult to fight.  So difficult at times that moving forward seems almost impossible.

That's exactly where I was - in battle.  It's not that I felt I was going to lose, because I knew however it worked out, God had a plan.  But, I must admit the victory ahead of me was a bit cloudy and I was getting tired.  I was running out of strength, arrows, bullets, you name it, when I realized I was using the wrong weapon to fight.

Around that same time, I happen to read about the battle between the Amalekites and the Israelites in Exodus 17.  The Israelites were under attack, and "as long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning."  The bible goes on to say "when Moses' hands grew tired...Aaron and Hur held his hands up."  Hmmm...  The "lifting of the hands" got me to thinking.  What if in the midst of my battle, I keep my hands raised in praise?  What if I used my worship as my greatest weapon?  What if I kept my attention on the One who causes me to triumph rather than on my circumstances?  What if I fully surrendered to His plan?

Like Moses, at times we get tired and want to lower our hands, but that's when having our very own "Aaron and Hur" in our lives is important - someone to keep us encouraged and help us "keep our hands held up".  I certainly came to realize how valuable it was to have friends in my life who will stand with me in faith in the midst of my battles.  It made all the difference in the world.

So I encourage you to identify those people in your life and allow them to stand with you in those trying times.  Sometimes having the right people around can be key to winning.  Prayer partners, accountability partners and encouragers are evidence of God's love and grace surrounding us.  They are also reminders of how effective prayer and worship are.  

No matter what you may be going through, don't stop worshiping; don't stop praising; don't stop thanking the One true God who will bring victory in your situation.  You can win with the lifting of the hands!

Love Always,

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