Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Things Hoped For

There we were, at my son's graduation dinner as I began my speech.  A speech that was 17 years in the making. There was so much to say, so much to be thankful for and so many blessings to speak over my son as he prepared to enter into a new phase in life.  As I looked at him, my eyes welled up with tears.  Not because I would be sad to see him leave the nest, but because I was looking at the fulfillment of things hoped for.

You see, our journey was one far from predictable in so many ways.  One that required buckets and buckets of mustard seed faith. Seeds for each and every provision made beyond what I could see. Seeds for all the doctor's and emergency room visits from having a little boy with chronic asthma. Seeds for a safe return every time he went out into the world without me as he grew older. And even seeds for the right friends, role models and mentors to walk alongside him on his journey.  His entire life was full of faith seeds planted along the way. 

When I looked at my son on this day, I saw the substance of things hoped for and was reminded of how powerful faith is.  The fulfillment of promises far beyond what I could have ever imagined was evidence of the seeds planted.  This moment encouraged me in other areas of my life to continue to plant seeds of faith.  If God did "this", I can trust He'll do "that".

Let me encourage you in every situation to stay in faith and trust that God is watering your seeds and preparing a harvest of things hoped for.  We walk by faith!

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  Hebrews 11:1

Love Always,

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