Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Drop a Hint

Have you ever noticed the "drop a hint" feature available on some retailers' websites?  For example, when I'm browsing the Tiffany website and see something I like, there is a button I can click that says "drop a hint" and Tiffany will email whoever I'd like to receive a hint that this is something I would like.  I've seen this feature on several websites and think it's pretty cool for those occasions when your loved one might be struggling with what to get you.  But what I think is even cooler, is when someone actually pays close enough attention to you to know the desires of your heart without a hint.  Like the time your loved-one seemed to have noticed the look in your eye when you stopped and stared adoringly at an item through the window for a few seconds, so they went back to the store to surprise you.  Or that yawn that signaled "one more cup of coffee would get me through this project" and your co-worker shows up with a cup of coffee.  Or when your significant other just seemed to have known when to stop what they were doing to give you a much-needed hug.  Those moments are so much more precious than a hint.

Psalms 37:4 says "Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." (NIV)  The Lord doesn't require hints to know the desires of our hearts.  In fact, I love how the Message Bible says it, "Keep company with God, get in on the best."  There is something about keeping company with someone that allows them to get to know you in a very intimate way.  I find that the more I spend time with the Lord through prayer, reading His word, and just constantly speaking gratitude and praise, the less I need to drop to a hint.  He automatically knows what I need.  Even in those moments when I'm desiring the wrong thing, He gently changes my heart to bring me to a place of peace and trust in His plan.

There have been times when I desired something and never uttered a word to a single soul and the Lord unexpectedly gave me the desires of my heart.  It made the gift even more special because it was as if I heard the Lord's voice saying, "I've been paying attention to you."  Those moments have truly blessed me as they are so much more full of love than a hint.

So the next time you think you need to "drop a hint" to God, simply get closer to Him and He will know the desires of your heart.

Love Always,

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