On the other hand, I was so intrigued at the possibility of Jesus standing at the door knocking that I would wonder what I would do if He was literally standing at my door. Would I let Him in? Would I feel unprepared for such an important guest? Would I just get really quiet and hope He thinks I'm not home? Why is He even here? What does He want? Should I open the door? Would I get in trouble for opening the door? Technically, He's not a stranger... The questions were endless for my 7-year-old mind as I stared at this beautiful and powerful image.
Amazingly, many years later, I can still see that picture very vividly in my mind. It has stuck with me over the years. And the question of "what would I have to do to be prepared to open the door, should Jesus stop by?" has lingered in my mind. Wow! Huge, right?
The fact of the matter is, I don't have to do anything. Jesus is not an inspector showing up with a clipboard. He's not stopping by to grade my performance and give me a list of opportunities for improvement. The fact of the matter is, He's stopping by to comfort me when I am hurting (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). He's stopping by to provide for me when I am in need (Luke 12:22-24). He's stopping by to be a friend when I am lonely (John 15:13-15). He's stopping by to give me peace when I am in the midst of a storm (John 14:27). He's stopping by to love me in my most unlovable moments (1 John 4:16).
As impactful as that picture was as a child, I now understand as an adult how much of a gift it is to have Jesus find me important enough to stand at my door and knock. He's not there to ask for anything, but to BE all that I need.
Decades later, I now know what I would do if He were at my door, because I do it everyday... I simply swing the door of my heart open and say "Come in! I'm so glad you're here!"
Love Always,
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