Tuesday, August 28, 2018

History indicates...

I have to thank God for some wonderful friends.  I have one dear friend, in particular, that comes to mind as being my "hero" friend.  She has ALWAYS had my back.  So when I found myself in a place where only a true friend would step in, I called her.  You see, based on our history, I trusted she would be there for me.  So it was no surprise when I called and told her what was going on, her first response was, "I'm on my way."  Sometimes we're lucky enough to have those friends where our history with them indicates we can undoubtedly count on them.

Likewise, when I'm going through a tough situation and don't understand the "why" or "how", I don't have to doubt God's plan.  My history with Him indicates that even though I don't understand the current circumstances, I've seen enough to know Who to call.  

I love how Luke records Jesus' response when John the Baptist sent his messengers to ask Him "Are you the one we've been waiting for?"  Jesus replied, "Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor." (Luke 7:22)  In other words, let the history of what you have seen and heard speak for who I AM.

It's important that I remember what I have seen and heard Him do in my life over the years.  When I am in a dark, uncertain place, history indicates that He will be the light on my path.  When I don't know how things will work out, history indicated that He has a plan.  When I'm feeling alone, history indicates that He has never left me!

So the next time things look hopeless, check your personal history books to remind yourself of all the things you have seen and heard Him do in your life.  Remind yourself of how He gave you beauty for ashes in some of the most broken places.  Let your history be an indication that you can trust Him to do it again! 

Love Always,

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysshy/

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