Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Love in Every Thought

If you've ever experienced a painful breakup, then you can relate to how your mind fills with constant thoughts of your former significant other.  From the time you open your eyes in the morning till you close them again at night.  It takes up a lot of mental (and emotional) space!  The movie "Something's Gotta Give" has a scene that is a perfect depiction of heartbreak.  It shows the character played by Diane Keaton dealing with her grief after the breakup with Jack Nicholson's character.  Although humorous, this scene is heartbreak played out to perfection on the big screen.  

So there I was, pretty much just like that, after a painful breakup.  Eventually, the constant thinking of my beloved just became too much.  So I prayed to God to please take the thoughts away from me.  I didn't want to think about this person so much!  Then I heard the Lord say to me, "If you didn't feel like that, you would not have experienced the beautiful gift of love."  Then He went on to say, "Have you any idea how many times a day I think about you?"


It hit me like a lead balloon.  Someone loves me so much that they're thinking about me all day?  Yes, it's true.

Every day God thinks about you and me.  Psalm 68:19
Every second we are in His thoughts.  Psalm 139:17-18
His love for us lasts forever!  Jeremiah 31:3 
He keeps our names written where He can see them.  Isaiah 49:16

That's love.

He's so in love with us that He thinks of us every second, constantly surrounds us with His goodness and always concerns Himself with our every detail.  When we truly take notice of all His goodness and mercy around us, we can't help but realize that it's God saying, "I see you and I love you."

Whatever you may be facing today, know that our Heavenly Father loves you dearly and thinks of you constantly!  That's what love does.

Love Always,

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysshy

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Guarantee

"I just love the greenery here", is what I was thinking this brisk fall morning as I was riding my bike along a wooded path.  The cool, crisp air was filling my lungs as I energetically pumped each foot to really take in the beauty at top speed.  The colors of orange, yellow, brown and red were swiftly moving around me like a movie in fast-forward mode.  I was totally in my zone enjoying my ride just as a large animal suddenly ran across the path!  I slam on my breaks!  Yikes!  My heart was pounding!  I was shaking and not quite sure if I should turn my bike around or simply faint and end it all.  Did someone's Great Dane get off his leash?  I was terrified!  It took me a moment to get my barrings, then I realized it was a dear.  LOL!  A beautiful deer (who was now very still hiding behind the trees).  It became crystal clear to me that even though I'd moved to an area where nature was lush and picturesque, I was still a city girl at heart.  I had to laugh at myself.  A Great Dane?  In the woods?  Really?

It has been a couple of years since this day, yet I still chuckle about it.  The fact is, I grew up next door to a family who had a Great Dane and I was terrified of that dog.  So this moment brought me right back to those days...  Isn't it amazing how illusions of our past can distort our current reality?  Sometimes, we are so haunted by our past that it's difficult to embrace the beautiful opportunities that are right in front of us.

Well, I have news for you - your past is over and it does not change God's promises for your future!  All of God's promises will be fulfilled with a resounding "Yes" in Christ!  And our "yes" to His promises are the amen!  He put His spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.  (2 Cor. 1:20-22)  Let me tell you, you cannot beat a guarantee from God!!!

Today, let's embrace the beautiful opportunities, blessings, and gifts He has so generously set before us.  Let's hold onto the deposit in our hearts and not be confused by the illusions of our past.  God's promises are guaranteed!  Trust Him.  He has given us the "yes".  Let's give Him our "amen" and receive every promise He has for us today...and everyday.  Amen!

Love Always,

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysshy/

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Have you ever seen love?

Have you ever seen love?  If you drew it, who's face would it have?  If you heard it, what would the voice sound like?  If you hugged it, what would the embrace feel like?  Pause...  Feel it...

When I picture love as a person, I picture my mom.  Perhaps a person comes to mind for you as well.  When I hear love, it's a voice I know I can trust.  Perhaps it has a particular sound for you too.  When I feel love, it feels so safe, that nothing can stand against it.  Perhaps there is a feeling you liken it too as well. 

The bible tells us how much Jesus loves us.  In fact, it even says He's a friend that sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24).  I wonder why it said friend that sticks closer than a brother?  Could it be because we're all each other's keepers no matter the lineage?  Could it be because Jesus came to show us how to love each other beyond our blood lines?  Beyond those who look like us?  Beyond those who believe like us?  Could it be that He is love?  I would answer an unwavering, "YES!"  He is indeed love!

Life will teach us the simple truth about love, yet it's not enough to just wear the "Christian" title.  We have to be followers of Jesus to really see love.  Read the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) and follow the recorded events of Jesus.  That's what love looks like.  I learned that if I actually applied the old saying WWJD (What Would Jesus Do), then I could actually see (and be) love.  My friend, in case you're wondering what love looks like - Jesus is what love looks like.  Follow Him, then look in the mirror and you will see a reflection of love.

Love Always,

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysshy/

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Free Gifts!

I was sitting on my deck taking in the cool morning air when a hawk swooped in and landed on my banister.  A hawk!  We were less than 10 feet away from each other.  I don't think he saw me sitting there when he first landed, but eventually he looked at me, and I looked at him (I was trying not to make even the slightest move), and within 10 seconds he decided I wasn't safe to be around and took off.  Wow!  He was so big and beautiful and since I've never been that close to a hawk outside of a cage, it was a very magical 10 seconds!

That exciting adrenaline rush reminded me how every second offers a gift, if we just lean into the moment.  The gift of the trees along the road that I sometimes don't see, because I'm so mentally preoccupied with what I need to do for the day.  The gift of the chirping birds that are sometimes drowned out by my thoughts.  The gift of the phone call from a loved one who just wanted to say hello.  The compliment, the smile, the encouragement, even the cupcake someone left on my desk.  (I know I shouldn't indulge, but it's a gift...)

Imagine if you left your Christmas tree up all year.  You'd walk right by it everyday and begin to not even notice it.  Well, my friend, the tree and the gifts are there all year.  Stop, unwrap each precious gift and give thanks and appreciation to the giver.   

I want you to pause for just a moment and notice the gifts around you.  The "present" moment is filled with gifts - free gifts!  It's hard not to be in awe as you begin to truly see God's amazing generosity in each moment.  

"Take a good look at God's wonders.  They'll take your breath away." Psalm 66:5

Love Always,

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysshy/

Please visit my new website for updated posts. https://lovealwaysshy.com/ Thank you! Shy