When I picture love as a person, I picture my mom. Perhaps a person comes to mind for you as well. When I hear love, it's a voice I know I can trust. Perhaps it has a particular sound for you too. When I feel love, it feels so safe, that nothing can stand against it. Perhaps there is a feeling you liken it too as well.
The bible tells us how much Jesus loves us. In fact, it even says He's a friend that sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). I wonder why it said friend that sticks closer than a brother? Could it be because we're all each other's keepers no matter the lineage? Could it be because Jesus came to show us how to love each other beyond our blood lines? Beyond those who look like us? Beyond those who believe like us? Could it be that He is love? I would answer an unwavering, "YES!" He is indeed love!
Life will teach us the simple truth about love, yet it's not enough to just wear the "Christian" title. We have to be followers of Jesus to really see love. Read the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) and follow the recorded events of Jesus. That's what love looks like. I learned that if I actually applied the old saying WWJD (What Would Jesus Do), then I could actually see (and be) love. My friend, in case you're wondering what love looks like - Jesus is what love looks like. Follow Him, then look in the mirror and you will see a reflection of love.
Love Always,
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovealwaysshy/
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